
Class InventoryStatisticsController.

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/statistics/inventory/{site}/{startDate}/{endDate}?inventoryId={inventoryId}

Gets the statistics for all inventory items.

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/statistics/inventory/{inventoryId}/{site}/{startDate}/{endDate}

Gets the statistics for inventory item.


Class Dealer Log Controller.

GET v1/log/fields?pageId={pageId}&locale={locale}

Get Fields by Page

GET v1/log/pages?locale={locale}

Get Pages

POST v1/log/entries

Get Log


Class Car360Controller

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/car360

Gets all the car360 videos for a specific Dealer. This includes A preview image, description, VIN, Stock number and Spin Id

DELETE v1/dealer/{dealerId}/car360

Deletes one video for a specific Dealer.

DELETE v1/dealer/{dealerId}/car360/{adId}?videoType={videoType}

Deletes one video for a specific Dealer.

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/car360/{adId}/status?spinId={spinId}

Gets the status of a Car 360 video. Has the video been uploaded to Autotrader Azure storage?

POST v1/dealer/car360/updatestatus

Sets the status of a Car360 video. The JSON body will include the SPIN Id and the status

GET v1/dealer/{adId}/car360/getcache

Gets the ad details from cache for an ad with car360 videos. This includes DDC AdId, Stock Number, VIN, Year, Make, Trim, A preview image, and Spin Id

GET v1/dealer/{ddcAdId}/car360/getcachebyddcadId

Gets the ad details from cache for an ad with car360 videos. This includes internal and external Spin Ids

POST v1/dealer/car360/getcachelist

Gets the ad details from cache for a list of ads with car360 videos. This includes dssId, externalSpinId and internalSpinId

POST v1/dealer/car360/getcachelistbyddcadid

Gets the ad details from cache for a list of ads with car360 videos. This includes ddcAdId, dssId, externalSpinId and internalSpinId

POST v1/dealer/car360/setcache

Sets the cache with Car360 Ad details


Class DealerEventController

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerevent

Gets all the Dealer Events for a specific Dealer. This includes Event details, Start Date, End Date and an image

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerevent/{eventId}

Gets one event for a specific Dealer. This includes event title, start Date, End Date and an image

POST v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerevent/create

Sets the Dealer Event details(Create New Event)

PUT v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerevent/{eventId}

Sets the Dealer Event details (Update Existing Event)

DELETE v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerevent

Delete a Dealer Event


Class PaymentController.

POST v1/payment

Gets payment lease and finance information


Class IncentivesController

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/vehiclestatus/{vehicleStatus}/incentives/inventory

Gets inventory and incentive settings for current dealer

POST v1/dealer/{dealerId}/incentives/inventory

Sets incentive settings for current dealer inventory


Class TestDriveRewardsController.

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/testdriverewards

Gets all the Test Drive Rewards. This includes Settings, Summary and Redemption Report

PUT v1/dealer/{dealerId}/testdriverewards/settings

Sets the Test Drive Rewards settings. Sets the Enabled property and the Gift Card Amount for a dealer


Class Dealer Payment Config Controller for New Cars.

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerpayment/newcar

Get Dealer Payment Configuration for New Cars

POST v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerpayment/newcar

Update Dealer Payment Configuration for New Car

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerpayment/usedcar

Get Dealer Payment Configuration for Used Cars

POST v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerpayment/usedcar

Update Dealer Payment Configuration for Used Car

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerpayment/commercialrecreational/{parentCategoryId}

Get Dealer Payment Configuration for Commercial and Recreational

POST v1/dealer/{dealerId}/dealerpayment/commercialrecreational

Update Dealer Payment Configuration for Commercial and Recreational


Class TraderServicesController

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/ddc/orders/{status}

Gets the order status from Dss Trader Services


Class Dealer Fees Controler

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/fees/newinventory

Gets fees settings for current dealer new car inventory

POST v1/dealer/{dealerId}/fees/newinventory

Sets fees settings for current dealer new car inventory


Class IdentityController.

GET v1/version

Gets TeamCity build version.

GET v1/identity

Gets the identity information. This needs to be protected so only admins and devs can access this. Hence the enhanced privilege of CanAccessIdentity.

GET v1/checkcredentials

Checks authenticated user credentials


Seller trust controller.

GET v1/dealer/{dealerId}/sellerTrust

POST v1/dealer/{dealerId}/sellerTrust/settings